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Sunday, December 16, 2007
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2. Never say “I will meet you there” when starting to date a woman, (except for the first “getting to know you coffee”), at the woman’s request or when there are unusual circumstances) as you will lose mega points before you even get to first base.
3. Don’t rush in and say “I love you” and be over the top with compliments, particularly in the first couple of months. Pace yourself and keep some mystery and tension. Besides, the lust you feel may vanish quickly if you suddenly realize you have nothing in common with this woman. Don’t build up a woman’s hopes and play with her heart before you know how you really feel about her.
4. Don’t play the perfect gentleman with all the romantic games of love and compliments just for sexual favours, then suddenly disappear in the morning, in a week, or in a month with no explanation or future contact. This is manipulative, cold and calculating, and a cruel way to treat women. Never play with a woman’s emotions and heart for your own selfish motives and hidden agendas.
5. Don’t take your girlfriend or partner to the movies and go to sleep during the show.
6. If you take your girlfriend or partner for breakfast or lunch, never spend a large part of the time you have together reading the paper or talking on the phone, as this will be very hurtful. Value these times and see them as opportunities for deep caring conversation. Remember, conversation is one of the main inroads to a woman’s heart.
7. If you are watching something unimportant on television, don’t throw the woman’s desire for conversation to the side for the sake of a minor television show. If it is an important programme, ask her if it can wait, as you would like to finish watching the program. If it can wait, be caring enough to tell her that you will be right there for her in the ad breaks, or when the program finishes. Always acknowledge her, otherwise she will feel hurt and dismissed. If it is something urgent be prepared to sacrifice the program.
8. Whether newly dating or in a relationship do not be aloof and secretive about where you are going, or the things you are doing day to day. You do not need to share every minute detail, but if you want your relationship to last you will need to share your life and your friends with your woman so that she doesn’t feel excluded and left out in the cold.
9. Remember first impressions count when you are meeting women. Watch your body language and put your shoulders back. Be confident and real, and just relax and have fun.
10. When you are in a relationship, regularly tell your partner how gorgeous she looks. Compliment her on the things she does for you and her wonderful attributes. Do this no matter how long you have been together. These words however must come from your heart with genuine intent or it is a waste of time saying them
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Approaching Women... Anywhere
you never know who you'll meet
I've met a lot of beautiful women over the past few years, but the most interesting ones were those that I met by chance: on the street, in a caf or even at a restaurant. These women were also the ones I found most difficult to approach.The only problem is that the situation is a little trickier. Firstly, you only have a few moments to make a courageous move, unlike a dance club, where you have all night to break the ice. Secondly, because you're in a not so welcoming environment, some women might be afraid of your ways.
10 Common Mistakes Men Make
Unfortunately, some men don't realize that certain factors will deter a woman from accepting an advancement or invitation from a total stranger. Here are the top 10 common mistakes men make when approaching a woman:
1- Forgetting a woman's comfort zone
Just because you know that you're a nice guy, that doesn't mean she will too. It is important for you to realize that most women will be on their guard when you first approach them. This is normal, and the important thing is for you to come across as a harmless guy. A little humor usually helps.
2- Trying to fool women The second biggest error most men make is that they don't give women enough credit and respect. Most men think that they can fool a woman into giving them their number. Listen, women know that you're trying to pick them up, so don't beat around the bush. Be direct and let them know exactly what you want. By doing so, you'll come across as a confident and straightforward man
Friday, August 24, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
successfull tips for dating
Be polite Be polite to her and everyone else you encounter (waiters, movie attendants, etc.). No one likes or appreciates a jerk.
Relax If you sense that you are getting nervous take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you are the man and that you are deciding whether or not this girl is worthy of your time. It is important that you concentrate on just having fun. This girl likes you or she wouldn't be with you right now.
Be decisive Have a plan. You absolutely MUST avoid, at all costs, ever saying, "I don't know what do you want to do?" Don't second-guess yourself, make excuses or apologize every time you make a small mistake.
Shut-up Try to keep the conversation focused on her. She should do about 70% of all the talking. It is a well known fact that most people enjoy talking about themselves and dislike hearing someone else talk about themselves too much. You may be tempted, if the conversation starts to run out, to tell her all about your family, your pet dog, etc. but you MUST restrain yourself.
End on a good note Say something funny and then get out of there. Don't wait for the date to become boring. If you sense that things are winding down it is better to end while everyone is in a good mood than to risk waiting until she is tired, bored and annoyed.
Don't be afraid to disagree Don't be afraid to say the word "no" or "I disagree" on a date. Women like to know that you have a backbone and will NOT like you more if you are a "yes man" (a.k.a. "doormat")
Don't act needy Very few things will drive a woman away faster. You don't have to be right by her side the whole night and don't be afraid of talking to other people. Also, don't act possessive if she decides to wander away and talk to someone else.
Be mindful of non-verbal communication Don't get tense because this is a big indicator of a lack of confidence. Stand up straight, articulate, look her (and everyone else) in the eye. Women don't like to think that their man is easily scared and intimidated.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Your personal detail for dating

Friday, August 17, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Be a real gentleman. Buy her flowers, open the car door, restaurant doors, put her napkin in her lap, pull out her seat, everything. Girls LOVE that.
Just be yourself. All you have to do is relax and don't worry about what she may be thinking of you. Have no fear to put yourself out there, that will just make her enjoy your company. You'll show her you are comfortable around her.
Have a good sense of humor! Laugh at her jokes and smile. NEVER tell sad experiences, don't turn the date into a sad thing. Stay confident.
Set goals. The most important goal to set is making her feel comfortable with you. Ask her about what she does, likes, what her favorite movies are, and tell her about yours.
Be a good listener, switch "uh-huhs" for nods and smiles, and don't show disinterest.
Make sure you smile when you see her, so that she will know you are excited to see her.
Tell her she looks great.
listen to her carefully
Make sure you don't go to quickly on your date.
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